I created this YouTube video as part of my screencasting project to help my fifth graders understand how to create and share a Google Doc in Google Classroom. I desgined the screencast using Camtasia.

Reflection: I created a screencasting using Camtasia to show my fifth graders how to create and share a Google Doc in Google Classroom. Steps: Script: I wrote and practiced a script to use for narration with my screencast. Camtasia: I used this program to record my screen. I showed how to open and create a new Google Doc, then how to share the file to Google Classroom. I added a title slide at the beginning by adding a new track. I used the timeline to crop out unnecessary parts. Next, I exported the file to my desktop, then uploaded the video to my YouTube channel. Screencasting is an excellent educational tool that allows educators and learners to create and share instructional content effectively.